keep back

kip bæk


1 general:: Phrase(s): keep someone back [and] hold someone back 1. Lit. to restrain people from moving forward or getting in the way. • The police were ordered to keep people back so they wouldn’t interfere with the paramedics. 2. Fig. to keep a child in the same grade for an extra year. • We asked them to keep John back a year. • John was kept back a year in school. 3. Fig. to keep someone from advancing in life. • I think that your limited vocabulary is keeping you back. • Her lack of computer skills kept her back in her career., Phrase(s): keep someone or something back to hold someone or something in reserve. • Keep back some of the food for an emergency. • We are keeping Karen back until the other players have exhausted themselves., Phrase(s): keep someone, something, or an animal back (from someone or something) to make someone, something, or an animal stay in a position away from someone or something. • Keep everyone back from the injured lady. • Please keep the dogs back from the turtle.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

2 general:: see HOLD BACK.

American Heritage Idioms

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